# Edge Extend Agent Virtual Machine This guide covers the network configuration of the **Edge Extend Agent** running as a virtual machine in your own private or public cloud environment. Once network configuration is complete see [[:edgeextend/server]] to continue setup. For general documentation see [[:edgeextend]]. ## Prerequisites You need to prepare/collect the following information before you can complete this configuration guide: * Machine image of the agent software in your preferred format. * Ability to launch a virtual machine with: * Open SSH port 22 for network configuration ## Launch Virtual Machine Download the Edge Extend Agent image and deploy it to a hypervisor that is on the same local network as your target file servers. ### Sizing The agent should be configured with: * vCPUs - 2 * Memory - 2 GB * Disk - 40 GB (SSD) On AWS this corresponds to a c5.small ### Ports The following inbound firewall rules are required. ^ Type ^ Protocol ^ Port Range ^ Source ^ Description ^ | SSH | TCP | 22 | My IP | SSH access for initial network configuration | ### Verify SSH Access Check that the instance can be accessed using a standalone SSH client. The username is **smbstream** and the initial password is ** QuickChangeM3**. For example: ssh smbstream@ (If the command freezes check that your appliance allows SSH access (port 22) from your IP address.) Check that you can become root with the initial password **MakeM4Secure**. su This will be required to complete the configuration. ### SSL Certificates The appliance includes an untrusted SSL certificate. To create a trusted SSL/TLS certificate associated with your domain see [[server/ssl_certificates]]. ### Next Steps Once network configuration is complete return to [[:edgeextend/server]] to continue agent setup.