# LDAP Integration #### Last Updated January 7, 2022 The Access Anywhere supports integration with directory services through the LDAP and SAML protocols providing authentication and authorization services including single-sign-on as well as identity and role synchronization. This document describes integration with LDAP. For SAML see [[:admin/saml|SAML Integration]]. More information at [[iam]]. This document describes configuration via LDAP for: * Microsoft Active Directory * Azure AD Domain Services If you remove an authentication system that is in use by an SMB Multi User or Nasuni provider, then organization members may gain read access to the provider and its contents. ### Adding a Directory Service Directory services are managed by an Organization administrator under **Organization** \> **Auth Systems**. Multiple auth systems can be configured. {{ :iam:auth-systems-page.png?600 }} ## Active Directory (via LDAP) If you need to connect to: * ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services) - see [[admin/saml|SAML integration]] * Azure Active Directory - see [[admin/saml|SAML integration]] ### Choose Auth System Type For any LDAP directory service choose **Active Directory via LDAP**. {{ :admin:activedirectory:activedirectoryintegration:ldap_auth.png?400 |}} ### Connection Information The first section provides connection information to the directory service: {{ ::ldap_ad_auth_connsettings.png?600 |}} __Auth System Name__ - Enter any label you want for this Auth System. __LDAP Server host or IP__ - This is the dns resolvable hostname, or the IP address for your AD servers which are listening for LDAP connections. For high availability you can enter multiple addresses. Enter the host like you would normally then subsequent hosts separated by a space and include the protocol. ``` server1 ldap://server2.com ldap://server3.com ``` In case NAA can not connect to the first AD, next one will be tried. __LDAP Server Port__ - Can leave the default (port 389) if the Connection Encryption is none or TLS. Use port **636** for SSL. Or other port if you are using non-standard ports for your AD environment. __Connection Encryption__ - Select the encryption method your AD environment supports. __Base DN__ - Enter the Base DN for your enviornment. This is dependent on your AD environment setup. __Administrator User DN__ - Enter the DN for a service account in your AD environment that we will use to connect. __Administrator User Password__ - Password for the account entered in the previous field. ==== User Import Settings ==== The next three boxes should be checked if you want Access Anywhere to automatically create new users and roles/groups when a user logs in and their account and/or groups do not exist in Access Anywhere. If you do not check these, you must import the Users and Roles you want to have access to the system. {{ :ldap_ad_user_autoimport.png |}} ==== User Directory Settings ==== The next section will describe how your directory defines the users we will use in Access Anywhere. {{::ldap_ad_user_connsettings.png?600|}} __User Object Class__ - For Active Directory we will select "users" __Additional Custom User Object Classes__ - If you have additional classes which represent the users on your system, you can enter them here in a comma separated list. Standard AD installations will leave this blank. __Login Field__ - This defines the attribute which NAAwill use for the NAALogin attribute in Access Anywhere. Standard AD installations should use either sAMAccountName or userPrincipalName __Use Customer User Login Field__ - If Checked then you can select a custom field for the NAALogin. Standard AD installations will leave this blank. __Unique User Attribute__ - This defines which field will be used as the unique user ID with Access Anywhere. Standard AD installations should use either sAMAccountName or userPrincipalName. __User Name Field__ - This defines which field will be used for the NAAUser Name attribute. Standard AD installations should use displayName. __Use Custom User Name Field__ - If Checked then you can select a custom field for the NAAUser Name. Standard AD installations will leave this blank. __Use Custom User Email Field__ - If Checked then you can select a custom field for the NAAemail. Standard AD installations will leave this blank. ==== Group Directory Settings ==== The next section will describe how your directory defines the groups we will use for the roles within Access Anywhere. {{::ldap_ad_group_connsettings.png?600|}} __Group (Role) id Field__ - This will define which field to use in the directory to create the Roles within Access Anywhere. Standard AD installations will select cn. __Restrict import of users from the following groups__ - Enter any group DNs for groups within your directory which you want to limit which users can access Access Anywhere. __Group(Role) Object Class__ - This defines the object class the directory users for group objects. Standard AD installations will select group. __Custom Group (Role) Object Classes__ - Here you can add additional classes which represent groups in your Directory, in a comma separated list. Standard AD installations will leave this blank. __Role Name Field__ - This defines which field will be used to set the Group name in Access Anywhere. Standard AD installations will use cn. __Use Custom Role Name Field__ - If checked then you will be able set a custom field name to be used for Access Anywhere group Names. Standard AD installations will leave this blank. ==== Auto-Config Provider (Optional) ==== This optional setting will allow you to define Private Providers for each user in your directory. This can be used for user home directories for example. ## Azure AD Domain Services (via LDAP) Azure AD Domain Services can be used as an LDAP provider. We recommend enabling and configuring Secure LDAP using TLS with port 389. (You could also use SSL with port 636). {{:ldap:azure-ad-domain-services1.png?600|azure-ad-domain-services1.png}} Other Settings: * User Object Class: user * Login Field: sAMAcountName * Unique User Attribute: sAMAccountName * User Name Field: cn * Group (Role) Id Field: cn * Group (Role) Object Class: group * Role Name Field: cn