# Access Anywhere Server Upgrades ## Delivery of Upgrades Upgrades are delivered through RPM packages via our curated repository. Always follow the upgrade documentation for a specific release as sometimes additional steps post-upgrade are required. You will be notified through your designated support contact when new versions of the software or security patches for third-party components are available. Monthly updates to third-party components are also available outside of the release cycle. See [[:server/os_packages]]. ## History To see upgrades applied to a server use the yum history command: yum history ## Single Node Upgrades Most sites are deployed as a single virtual machine or instance. The virtual machine includes all application and database services needed and can be upgraded in-place. ### Prerequisites Prerequisites include: * Documentation of your topology including firewalls or load balancers. * SSH access for smeconfiguser and root. * Passwords for Appliance Admin and Organization User * Review Release Notes for features that have changed or been removed * Backup database * Backup virtual machine * Check items under Cloud Sync Tasks have completed * Check the Cloud Indexing Queue is empty ## Multiple Node Upgrades Multi-node deployments are typically custom deployments for High Availability and Scalability. Please work with the team that supports your deployment to create an upgrade plan for your environment. The information in this section is provided on an as-is basis. You use it at your own risk. We accept no responsibility for errors or omissions, nor do we have any obligation to provide support for implementing or maintaining the configuration described here. Furthermore, we do not warrant that the design presented here is appropriate for your requirements. Individual nodes are upgraded using the instructions for a single node but a one node must be upgraded first in order to guarantee database updates are applied correctly. Subsequent nodes can be upgraded in parallel ### Prerequisites Prerequisites include: * Documentation of your topology including firewalls or load balancers and auto scalers. * Understanding where crond services are running. * Information on where the database server and memcached are running. * SSH access for smeconfiguser and root for each node. * Passwords for Appliance Admin and Organization Administrator. * Review Release Notes for features that have changed or been removed. * Backup database. * Backup/snapshot virtual machines as per your backup strategy. * Mechanism to stop web / API traffic to nodes during the upgrade (either via httpd services or load balancer). * Mechanism to stop background tasks including cron jobs running during the upgrade. * Having a plan to update autoscaler images if needed. * Disabling scaling mechanisms that automatically create new web nodes. * Disabling high availability mechanisms that automatically failover to secondary database services such as replicate databases. * Notifying users of a maintenance window. * Disabling monitoring services (to prevent false alerts) * Notifying Nasuni support of your timeframe. * Check items under Cloud Sync Tasks have completed * Check the Cloud Indexing Queue is empty * For upgrades to 2301.x check that your Redis configuration is correct * For upgrades to 2309 check that CIFS Locker docker network settings are correct.