Implementing the Audit Event Stream Handler

Last update: 22 June 2021

Access Anywhere provides audit events that can be viewed in the browser and exported for compliance. These audit logs can also be written to syslogs.

Sometimes you may want to process the audit logs in real time by external systems e.g. intrusion detection systems. The Access Anywhere allows you to write your own handler to process these events and integrate with other systems.

Implementing Audit Event Stream Handler

You will need to implement AuditEventHandlerInterface. Sample code is provided below to get you started. You only need to implement one method handleEvent. A AuditEvent data object is passed to this method, that contains the data.

Sample Code

 * Class SampleAuditEventHandler
 * This is an example Event Handler Interface that recieves event notifications and publishes out
 * to a local file called audit.log
class SampleFileAuditEventHandler implements AuditEventHandlerInterface
     * Handles an event from the audit stream
     * @param SMEAPP_Audit_Event $auditEvent
    public function handleEvent(SMEAPP_Audit_Event $auditEvent)
        $itemToLog = [
            'actor' => $auditEvent->getActor(),
            'eventType' => $auditEvent->getEventType(),
            'ip' => $auditEvent->getIp(),
            'date' => $auditEvent->getDate()->format(DATE_RFC822),
            'log_str' => $auditEvent->getLog(),
            'name' => $auditEvent->getName(),
            'objid' => $auditEvent->getObjectId(),
            'params' => $auditEvent->getParams()
             __DIR__ . '/audit.log',


Configuring Audit Event Stream

var $audit_event_handler_path = '/var/www/smestorage/auditevents/SampleAuditEventHandler.php';

Once configured the Audit Log Stream can integrated into a variety of products that work with Audit log stream, such as an ELK Stack:

Things To Be Careful About