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File Search

Searching Files (Web Interface)

There are two means to search for files from the web interface, 'filter', and 'search'.


When in the File Manager view, in the right hand side there is a 'filter' search box in the top right hand side of the screen. This is a quick way to filter search for items that have been loaded in the tree. It is not meant to be a comprehensive search, rather a shortcut to quickly finding something within a branch of the hierarchical file tree.

File MetaData Search

When in the File Manager view there is a dedicated search tab that provides a more advanced search for files. Filename content can be searched, or if the deep content search module is turned on, then the actual content can also be searched in this view.

Files can be searched in a variety of ways:

Client Tools

Desktop and client apps also offer a similar search experience. Above is an example from the Windows desktop app.

Cloud Drive

From the Windows Cloud Drive right-click on a folder from the Explorer menu and choose Cloud Actions > Search.

Content search is supported with our on-premises cloud appliance with the Apache Solr search engine. For more information see Content Search and PDF Burn Service.

Content Search Options

Search input: The input string is first split into search tokens, by its spaces and punctuation characters (which are ignored). Each of these search tokens are queried in Solr (using AND or OR operators). How these tokenized search terms are used in the query is dependent on the modifier flags that you have set when running the query. Searches are case insensitive.

Here's a worked example for the modifiers, if we are searching for “a summer holiday”.

If you use multiple modifiers, it becomes an OR between them. Here's some notes on that behaviour: