Table of Contents

Registration & Acceptable Use Policies

Registration and acceptable use policies can be configured based on the needs of each organization. Acceptance of policies can be required before a user can access the system, and acceptance is logged in the audit event log.


The Registration & Policies page can be accessed by the Appliance Administrator (appladmin) under the Settings menu. The following appliance settings are available:

Available Policies

Policies can be enabled independently. These policies are offered to each user:

This policy is offered to the Organization Administrator

This policy is offered to users downloading files or folders via share links

Enabling Policies

Policies can be enabled or disabled independently.

An expiration date can be enabled. If “Must users agree to policies before they can access the appliance?” is enabled users will be prompted after the number of expiration days has elapsed.

Changing Policy Content

The name and contents of each policy can be changed.