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SMTP Configuration

last updated on: July 10, 2023

An SMTP server must be configured in order for Access Anywhere to send emails.

Emails are used to:

The SMTP server is configured by the appliance administrator (appladmin) under Settings > Email & Filebox.

Here are a couple of examples:


Below is a sample what the configuration looks like, for an SMTP setup using a Gmail account. You will have to ask your email administrator for your specific details, or sign up for a free Gmail address:

The “Notification Email” address will receive emails from the system warning of license expiration etc. You should enter your email here.

Use Test SMTP options to test the settings and also check that the test email was received since Azure silently discards emails sent to unsupported servers.


Some clouds block outgoing connections to ports 25 and 597 for security reasons, as these are used to communicate with SMTP servers. Azure recommends using an SMTP relay service such as SendGrid. See Sending Email from Azure with SendGrid. SendGrid also helpfully offers a TLS connection on port 2525 which is less likely to be blocked.

The SMTP configuration for SendGrid would be:

Use Test SMTP options to test the settings and also check that the test email was received since Azure silently discards emails sent to unsupported servers.

AWS Simple Email Service

Below is what the screen looks like for an SMTP setup using the AWS Simple Email Service (SES).