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SME File Fabric v1808 Release Notes

released: Aug. 2018

Document last updated Nov. 9 2018.

New Features

Content Discovery

Content Discovery is a major new feature available in some editions of v1808. It supersedes the PII feature and provides all of that feature’s functionality along with new capabilities including a convenient user interface for creating content detection rules.

SME’s built in Content Detectors are now stored in an open source repository to which the community can contribute. [SME-3746, SME-3742, SME-3926]

Data Automation Rules

This rule-driven feature works with Content Discovery's data classifications to perform common workflow tasks when specified kinds of content are detected. See automationrules for more information.

Slack Integration

Sharing files over Slack using secure links is another important new feature in the File Fabric. In v1808 the org. admin can control whether or not sharing files over Slack is allowed. [SME-3813]

Zip Download

Folders can now be downloaded as zip, tar or tar.gz files from the File Manager.

Other New Features

  • [SME-3814] - Google Team Drive is now available as a storage provider.
  • [SME-3743] - Users can now see and manage their active sessions and devices in the Web interface, and selectively terminate sessions.
  • [SME-3741] - Policies can now be sent by email to the user at the user’s request.
  • [SME-3995] - The File Fabric now accepts and displays information about the org.’s GDPR Data Protection Officer and Contact roles.
  • [SME-3624] - When adding a provider the user is now reminded to consider the location in which the data will be stored.


  • [SME-4052] - Performance has been improved for Cloud Refresh on a large directory on a remote storage system.
  • [SME-4023] - Error handling has been improved for the cases where the user id was missing from a request to edit a user or the id that was provided did not refer to a current user.
  • [SME-3967] - A block size setting has been added for range reads on File System and HPSS providers, and read/download performance has been improved when M-Stream file transfer acceleration is in use.
  • [SME-4110] - The File Fabric has been enhanced to support a streamlined workflow for sharing files on Slack.
  • [SME-4076, SME-3760] - The File Manager’s Search tab has been redesigned for easier operation and to allow more results to be displayed.
  • [SME-4072] - Changes were made to M-Stream to improve its reliability and error recovery and handling.
  • [SME-4050] - The label for the link to personal information has been changed from “Personal Information and Policies” to “View Personal Information and Policies”.
  • [SME-4030] - A new control has been added for sharing with links, allowing the org. Admin to require that the name and email address of the person for whom a link was generated are recorded along with the purpose for which the file is being shared.
  • [SME-4029] - The “content indexing” checkbox has been removed from the provider import/export page.
  • [SME-3981] - A message was added to the workflow for adding a provider reminding the user to consider the suitability of the location where the data will be stored.
  • [SME-3975] - Two or more OpenS3 providers can now be crested with the same credentials and different endpoints.
  • [SME-3949] - File locking and unlocking events are now recorded in the audit log.
  • [SME-3940] - Embedded metadata from many file types, for example mp3 and jog, is now indexed for Deep Search.
  • [SME-3902] - Scoped authorisation is now supported for Swift v3 providers.
  • [SME-3901] - Dynamic large object (DLO) options are now available when Openstack Swift is used as a Backup Provider.
  • [SME-3802] - The “Windows Azure” provider has been renamed to “Microsoft Azure Blob Storage”.
  • [SME-3760] - When sending messages from the File Fabric over Twilio, an alphanumeric code can now be specified to be displayed on the recipient’s phone instead of the phone number from which the message was sent.
  • [SME-3884] - A Data Processor policy and an Age Consent Policy are now provided with the File Fabric.
  • [SME-4027] - The Amplidata provider has been replaced with an ActiveScale provider.
  • [SME-4219] - The SME icon was displayed for appliance default storage on the Dashboard and in the File Manager. Now no icon is displayed in the Dashboard and a generic folder icon is displayed in the File Manager.
  • [SME-4214] - Wording and capitalisation of items on the Roles List have been improved.
  • [SME-4186] - Appliance trial emails can now be branded.
  • [SME-4198] - The layout of appladmin's Site Functionality page has been improved.
  • [SME-4195] - The layout of the File Fabric login page in Internet Explorer has been improved.
  • The default size of the MySQL disk has been increased from 36G to 40G for new installations.
  • Content Search is now enabled and configured by default for new installations.
  • TLS 1.0 is disabled by default for accessing new installations.
  • The “Download/Upload Resume / Stream” package setting is now turned off by default for new installations.

Resolved Issues

  • [SME-4172, SME -3762] - It was possible to delete the appladmin account. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4171] - Under unusual circumstances a copy could sometimes be attempted twice. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4163] - Attempts to cancel moves and copies being using by M-Stream’s high throughput capabilities were sometimes not handled correctly. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4149] - Swift providers that do not not support temporary URLs could not be added. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4124] - The Deep Search feature did not correctly process searches for strings containing certain kinds of characters onside of the roman alphabet. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4118] - Under some circumstances the API test harness responded incorrectly when processing non XML documents. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4106] - In some cases when the connection between the File Fabric and a storage service was broken, the File Fabric did not recover gracefully. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4098] - Provider re-sync sometimes didn’t complete successfully. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4066] - Copying a file with many versions could result in a 504 Gateway Timeout. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4065] - Under some circumstances subfolders in a provider’s root directory weren't shown when Real Time mode was active. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4061] - File Preview in the the File Manager sometimes worked very slowly or failed if the selected file had many versions. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4060] - Uploads of files with large numbers of chunks to certain storage providers sometimes stalled or failed. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4054] - The “More files” button displayed in the File Manager when directory contains a large number of files did not reappear if the view was changed to the Search tab and then back to the Files tab. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4045] - The File Manager search feature’s results sometimes omitted folders with names that matched the search string. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4028] - In some cases files could not be scanned by the antivirus feature. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4024] - When a password was reset to a new password that was 64 characters long, the new password could not be used to log in. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4010] - Subfolder permissions were not handled correctly when set by a users to whom Manage Permissions had been granted on the parent folder. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4009] - When a smart folder containing many files was determined during a provider re-sync to no longer exist on the storage, sometimes the operation that should have removed records of that smart folder from the File Fabric’s metadata was unsuccessful. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4000] - M-Stream accelerated uploads of files larger than 50 GB to an OpenStack Swift provider were sometimes unsuccessful. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3999] - Sometimes after a user accepted all policies the next expected page was not automatically loaded in the browser. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3993] - When an operation involving many files was performed on a provider with a Backup Provider, the File Manager sometimes became unresponsive and errors sometimes occurred when the results of the Backup Operation were being assessed to determine whether all of the files had been backed successfully. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3989] - File name filtering for auto-sharing did not always work correctly, and auto-sharing rules were not maintained properly when a folder to which they had been applied was removed. These issues have been resolved.
  • [SME-3983] - Cloud refresh of large folders sometimes failed due to memory exhaustion. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3973] - The option to allow custom homepage widgets was not shown on the User Interface tab of the Policies page. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3970] - Spurious errors were sometimes raised during file deletions. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3962] - In some cases when a role was assigned to a user, the user would not have access to the functionality that was associated with that role. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3959] - When an org. Member to whom permission to access the audit logs had been granted navigated to the Audit Logs page, an error would result. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3956] - Under some circumstances PII detection (now Content Discovery) remained access after it had been turned off the the org admin. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3955] - When SAML was used for external authentication, automatic user import only imported one user. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3953] - When appliance default storage was in use, the Personal Information screen incorrectly omitted the appliance default storage provider from the list of storage providers. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3944] - When an object storage provider was being added and an incorrect keys entered, the error message was displayed repeatedly. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3941] - Uploads for files with long names t OneDrive failed. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3925] - An error sometimes occurred during a range download of a video file. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3922] - When the versioning suffix was added to a long file name, the resulting file name was sometimes longer than permitted by the storage on which the file was stored. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3909] - CloudDAV did not work for org. Members when personal or org. Two-factor authentication was active. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3900] - Under unusual circumstances the wrong page was displayed after OneDrive for Business had been added as a provider. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3897] - A user’s SME roles (LDAP groups) were in some cases not updated when the user signed in from the Windows Drive and SAML was in use for external authentication. Also, login failed under specific circumstances when two-factor authentication was active. Both of these issues have been resolved.
  • [SME-3893] - If an SFTP provider with a folder named ‘0’ was re-sync’d the folder was not included in the File Fabric’s metadata. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3891] - Users without PII access were sometimes shown the wrong header message at the top of the File Manager’s file list panel. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3889] - It was possible for a second Backup Provider to be added for a primary provider. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3887] - Errors were occasionally encountered during file downloads. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3886] - Delete a file with long name sometimes took an exceptionally long time, resulting in an error. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3812] - An error resulted when an API method was used to annotate a PDF file. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3799] - The org. Admin could not change individual org. members’ default providers. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3748] - Interactions between the File Fabric and Huddle storage were sometimes unsuccessful. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3709] - Some operations did not work properly when FTPS was used with CloudFTP. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3685] - In some circumstances the copying of a file was completed after the copy operation had been cancelled. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3654] - There was an inconsistency between the way the the email test feature on the Email and Filebox page worked and the way that emails were sent from the File Fabric in non-test conditions. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3541] - An error was sometimes encountered when a large bucket was removed from the list of managed buckets for an object storage provider. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3608] - Warning messages were often logged during uploads and when chunking was in use. These issues have been resolved.
  • [SME-4040] - Focus moved to the wrong field on the iOS OAuth screen when the first field was tapped. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4073] - Cloud Import tasks sometimes terminated with an error. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3943] - The doUpdateBucketsList sometimes returned invalid XML. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3720] - Errors were sometime encountered when folders with non Latin characters in their names were renamed. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-3874] - Under some circumstances Javascript errors were generated by the Web interface. These have been resolved.
  • [SME-4218] - The Ctrl+Enter hotkey combination for saving messages in the File Manager did not work. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4213] - Move operation on folders in the root of Amazon Cloud providers were not completed correctly. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4207] - The same add-on could be added repeatedly on appladmin's Edit User page. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4205, SME-4204, SME-4201 SME-4189] - Several cases where minor issues caused errors to be displayed in the browser's console have been resolved.
  • [SME-4203] - Extra steps were required to give focus to the embedded editor on the Send Message tab of appladmin's Messages page. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4199] - A typographical error on the hamburger menu on appladmin's Tests page has been resolved.
  • [SME-4194] - The Search tab was displayed in the File Manager when it had been turned off in the org.'s policies. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4193] - Trying to access a file using an expired download link or share-for-edit link caused colors to de be displayed unexpectedly on the menu. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4191] - When using object storage, smart folders were not restored correctly from Trash, causing erratic behavior. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4184] - Files that had been tagged as containing PII remained tagged when they were moved into folders on providers that were not content indexed, causing those files to appear in PII search results. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4182] - Org members were able to schedule Team Clouds for re-syncs. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4181] - An incorrect ID was assigned to object storage buckets, causing unexpected results when the folders representing those buckets were moved. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4162] - When more than one file was copied or moved to a folder on a provider for which a Backup Provider had been configured, sometimes not all of the files were backed up. Also, when the “Backup now” button was used on the Backup Provider's Dashboard page, extra copies of files were sometimes made. Both of these issues have been resolved.

After upgrading to v1808, customers using Backup Providers are advised to check the Provider backup status of each Backup Provider on its settings tab, which is accessible from the Dashboard. If the status indicates that any files have been missed, then the “Backup now” button should be used to copy any missing files to the Backup Provider.

  • [SME-4224] - Some email templates could not be tested from appladmin's System tests page. This has been resolved.
  • The smeconfig program did not correctly set new hostnames. This has been resolved.

Known Issues

  • [SME-3615] - The Web File Manager does not correctly handle the case where the default bucket is not found during a Cloud Refresh.
  • [SME-3268] - In some cases image previews of files restored from trash are not displayed until a browser refresh has been performed.
  • [SME-4239] - When two or more Content Detection Categories are selected on the File Manager's Search tab, files must have content that was matched by one or more of the content detectors in each selected category to become candidates for inclusion in the search results. The intended behaviour is that files should only have to have content that was matched by at least one detector in any of the categories.
  • [SME-4244] - Using the Spanish NIF content detector prevents interferes with Content Discovery scanning.
  • [SME-4264] - When the “Show discovered content” link has been used in the File Manager's Info panel, it will not work again until the page has been reloaded.
  • [SME-4192] - For versioned files, the Options “Move to trash” and “Delete permanently” that are exposed when versioning is switched from on to off do not work as expected.
  • [SME-4344] - The configserver feature for updating the File Fabric (checking for, downloading and installing a new version) is deprecated and can not be used.
  • [SME-4345] - Yum update does not work properly.