**This is an old revision of the document!**

SME Inplace upgrade to 1712

(Last Updated 23 August 2018)

The SME Enterprise File Fabric platform is shipped as a virtual appliance, this makes it easy to deploy. The new generation of Enterprise File Fabric has a more comprehensive way to upgrade. Upgrades from v10.x SME appliance or later are accomplished without the need to redeploy a new virtual machine.

Please note that this procedure is written for systems that following “standard” supported deployment architectures, for advanced deployments please contact support.


Ensure the following prerequisites are met before beginning an upgrade:

  • SME version 10.0.X or 1705.X is installed and functional
  • Public internet access for download patches
  • A complete backup / snapshot has been done of both the system and the database
  • Verify API based storage providers have a valid certificates (especially when upgrading from 10.x or 1705). See Storage Provider Certificates for more information.

In addition, you must ensure you have full administrator access to the systems. The following user accounts and passwords will be required:

  • smeconfiguser
  • root
  • appladmin
  • organizational admin(s) of your organization

During the upgrade, ongoing uploads will be cancelled and the site will be unavailable for a short duration, please schedule downtime accordingly.

Prepare for the upgrade

To receive upgrades for File Fabric you will need a valid support contract.

Start by backing up the appliance. This upgrade will be an upgrade of both software and the database, please do not proceed without a good backup. SME does not support a database rollback, so if something does not go to plan, a system restore will be required.


Log into the SME appliance as smeconfiguser e.g.

ssh smeconfiguser@cloudfiles.company.com

Change user to root

su -

Update the File Fabric repository

yum install https://download.storagemadeeasy.com/sme-repo-release-latest.rpm

Clear the yum cache, and rebuild it.

yum clean all; yum makecache

To verify the repository is installed and enabled, you can execute the following command:

yum repolist enabled

and search for “sme-enterprise” in the results. If you don't see it, abandon the upgrade process and contact Support at Storage Made Easy.

Now update the appliance with the following command

yum install sme-upgradeto1712 sme-release -y

Next install the 1712.02 hotfix

su - smestorage
cd patches
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/smevm/1712/patch_public_html_1712.02.tar.gz
./patch -patch patch_public_html_1712.02.tar.gz

After the update is complete, please reboot the system.
