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File Search

1 Searching files Web

Files can be searched for, across clouds, in a variety of ways:

- Exact Phrase: Search for an exact match to a phrase
- Starts with: Search for the characters that start a phrase ie. abc - will find all files beginning with abc
- Ends with: Search for the characters that end a phrase ie. xyz.<extension> ail find all files ending with xyz
- All words: Enter multiple words separated by spaces which will be searched for
- Any word: Enter multiple words and search for occurrences of any
- By file extension: Search for extension types

All searches occur across all clouds mapped to an account and searches can be saved.

2 Client Tools

Desktop and client tools also offer similar search options. Above are examples of windows and iOS.

3 Deeper Search Options

For users who want deeper content search options we can integrate our on-premise cloud appliance with the Apache Lucene search engine. Please contact us if this is of interest.