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firefox [2024_02_28 01:03] – external edit
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 +====== Access Anywhere Firefox Plug-In (Archive) ======
 +<WRAP center round important 100%>
 +The Firefox Plug-In works only to Firefox 47 and below.
 +===== 1 About the Plug-in =====
 +The Access Anywhere Plug-In Client allows you to use a sophisticated Firefox plug-in as your control mechanism for Access Anywhere. Firstly you need Firefox and secondly you need to download and install the plug-in. This should be done using the Firefox browser. If you try and download it using another browser the plug-in can have its default extension changed from .xpi to .zip which will make it impossible for you to install in Firefox.\\ \\ You can download the plug in from our [[|Cloud Tools page]].\\
 +===== 2 Installing the Plug-In =====
 +\\ To install the Plug-In visit the Access Anywhere Tools page and click on the Plug-In installation file. It should automatically install. If it does not and you are   prompted to save the file, save it to a location and then choose File->Open from Firefox, locate the file and choose it. This will then enable the file to be installed. Note that Firefox will require a restart.\\ \\ After Firefox re-launches you will need to authenticate your Access Anywhere account within the Plug-In. To do this:\\ \\ 1. Select Access Anywhere from the button to the left of Options (highlighted in a red box in the above graphic)\\ 2. Choose 'Manage Accounts' and enter your Access Anywhere account details\\ 3. Choose 'Save'\\ \\ Note that you can have multiple Access Anywhere accounts using the PLug-In and change between them using the username drop-down.\\ \\ You should now see your file system on the left hand side and your Access Anywhere file system on the right hand side. You can drag single/multiple files/directories (or shift select files and click the arrows) from one to the other and they will be transferred. You can see their progress in the 'Regular Transfer' tab.\\ \\ Note that Access Anywhere is not responsible for any of the other choices available in the drop down box, just the Access Anywhere Option. For example if you wish to access your Google Docs via Access Anywhere you still need to choose the Access Anywhere option as outlined above.
 +===== 3 Uploading / downloading files =====
 +You can upload / download multiple files just by shift selecting and then hitting the arrow to the right or left depending whether you are uploading or downloading files
 +===== 4 Cloud Storage Filter =====
 +You can filter your files using the file filter from the menu bar in the top right hand side. Filter allows you to filter your files down using Alphanumeric, String or Range filters.\\ \\ If your content is filters your will see in your Cloud Storage Path Bar that "your content is filtered".\\ \\ Filtering is useful if you have hundreds of thousands of files and can speed up loading.  \\ \\ Remember if you upload files and cannot see them it could because you have a filter set that ignores them !
 +===== 5 Providers =====
 +The Provider Option to the very right of the Firefox toolbar when logged into Access Anywhere lets you change the Cloud Provider that will be used for upload.
 +Clicking the DataBase type icon on the right hand side of the menu-bar drops down the current providers you have available. A green tick is against your default primary provider. You can choose another provider at anytime.  \\ \\ Remember that if you change providers this will become you default provider for uploads unless you change it back.
 +===== 6 Special Folders =====
 +Special type of folders in your Storage clouds are marked as such:
 +Folder with red square around it - means that you have shared the folder\\ \\ Folder with 'O' next to it - means this is an Organization Folder
 +===== 7 Groups =====
 +Any business Groups that you have created can also be navigated from the Firefox plug-in.
 +===== 8 Group Share =====
 +At the bottom of the screen, when you click on a file, there are two tabs. The first tab show you the status of the file transfers. The second Tab lets you edit Tag or Description information, or share a file with any business groups that you have setup.
 +===== 9 Create Folders =====
 +Create a Folder does exactly what is says on the tin   i.e. creates a folder in your Cloud Storage environment.   If you are an Organization Cloud user you get the option to Create an Organization Folder which will appear in all your Organization users accounts also. If you are not an Organization User this options will be grayed out.
 +===== 10 Sharing Files =====
 +There are a number of right click options if you click on your cloud files. These are:\\ \\ (1) Download\\ \\ (2) Rename\\ \\ (3) Send To - Send a file link via email\\ \\ (4) Send to Twitter - if you have Twitter setup in your Access Anywhere Account you will be able to share file links over Twitter\\ \\ (5) Get Tiny URL - This gives you a Tiny URL Link for you Cloud file that you can use on Blogs or elsewhere.\\ \\ (6) Delete - Deletes the file to Trash
 +===== 11 Sync Part 1 =====
 +The Firefox client support sync directly from the browser. The Sync functionality lets you mirror files from your desktop to Access Anywhere (and your underlying cloud) or from Access Anywhere to your Desktop. Sync is based on filename and timestamp with newer timestamps either being updated on the cloud or on the desktop\\ \\ If you right click on a directory from you desktop (left pane) then you will see an option called 'Nominate for Sync'. Click this to launch the next step
 +===== 12 Sync Part 2 =====
 +After clicking 'Nominate for Sync' you will be given the option to mirror the directory to the cloud or vice-versa by choosing the drop down "Mirror to Right" or Mirror to Left".  \\ \\ All directories uploaded to the cloud reside in the "My Syncs' Directory.\\ \\ You can actually keep multiple directories in Sync using this option and best of all it is Operating System independent so it will work on Mac, Linux or Windows.\\ \\ \\