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File Copy / File Move / Rename

Copying files

Copying files from one folder or bucket to another or from one cloud provider to another can be done in the File Fabric Web File Manager or from other mobile or desktop Apps.

The procedure for copying will be different dependent on the client used.

How a file is copied is dependent on whether it is a single file or multiple files.

If a single files is copied then this may occur in a request/response fashion in which the client waits until the copy is completed.

If multiple files are copied then this may be delegate to the Task Manager and executed asynchronously. Such tasks can be monitored from the Task Manager when logged into the File Fabric in a browser.

The exact method used will be dependent on the client application.


There may be occasions when copying one ore more files from one cloud storage provider to another breaks some nomenclature or naming conventions preventing the copy occurring. If this occurs then the user will be informed (copy being executed synchronously) or the error will be logged in the task manager (copy being executed asynchronously).

Moving Files

The process for moving a file is:

  • Copy file to new location
  • Move existing file to trash (where possible)

As with copying files the procedure for moving files will be different dependent on the client application used.

Moving files are generally executed asynchronously


Naming conventions, storage available and other factors may prevent some or all of the files being moved to complete. If this occurs then a user could end up with some files that have been moved and reside in the new location and some files not being able got moved and residing in the old location. If this occurs then a user will need to resolve this manually.

There can be occasions when a file is unable to be deleted and moved to trash during a move. If this occurs then a file(s) could end up in two places, the old and the new. If this occurs then a users will need to resolve this manually.


When files are being copied or moved locks are put in place on the parent folder to prevent other actions creating data integrity issues. These locks are removed once the operations are complete, but if this is occurring on a team folder and other users attempt to process file operations that encompass delete, update or modify then they will be unable to do so until the processes are complete.

Audit Logs

Audit logs document file events in their entirety and should be the first port of call when in estimating copies or moves of files / folders.