Access Anywhere API

The API provides comprehensive access to Access Anywhere services including file access and collaboration, provider management, and user administration.

Specific functionality may be limited by the edition licensed or by your administrator.

API Test Harness

You can locate detailed documentation and a test harness for your instance by adding ?p=apidoc to the address of your File Manager. For example:

Additional Notes

Web-Based Authentication Flows

If the Authentication System you are using for Access Anywhere uses a web-baed authentication flow you can either implement the flow in your application or use an API key.

Users can obtain their own API keys and your code can use getTokenByAuthToken for authentication. See Permanent API Tokens for more information.

See the API documentation for information on implementing web-based authentication flows.

JSON Format

When using the alternate method for calling operations (rpc.php) you can request a JSON response by adding the argument apiformat=json.