**This is an old revision of the document!**

SME File Fabric v1906 Release Notes

Released: 24th July, 2019

Document last updated: September 26th, 2019

For new deployments see Enterprise File Fabric Appliance Installation Guide version 1906.

For upgrades see upgrade-guide.

New Features

Faster Synchronization and Indexing

Provider synchronization is now up to 250 times faster - including initial synchronization and resynchronization. Content indexing (Solr) is also significantly faster.

New Microsoft OneDrive Connector

A new Microsoft OneDrive connector replaces the original OneDrive (Free) and OneDrive for Business providers and includes many improvements including support for uploading very large files. See Microsoft OneDrive.

Team Folder Permission Reporting

Governance and compliance are easier with a new Shared Team Folder Permission Reporting page. Auditors can see and export, for each or all users, explicit and inherited permissions for each folder. Access is from the Shared Team Folders page.

Content Intelligence

Generate MediaInfo, MD5 Checksums, AI-driven video transcription and more intelligence services at your fingertips with our new Content Intelligence feature.

Forever File now supports Folder level recovery

Recovery from a ransomware attack or accidental change is now much easier with the File Fabric's Folder Level Recovery functionality. See foreverfile.

Instant Compliance Healthcheck

Check how your Policy configuration matches up to industry standards with our Compliance Healthchecks.

New Team Folder permissions

now support a List Only and Delete Prevention permission Configure advanced permissions with the File Fabric.

Set Quotas for folders

You can now set usage quotas on folders managed by the File Fabric, helping you to manage your storage capacity and prevent unexpected costs.

Previews and Thumbnails for more document types

Need to preview PSD's, RAW files, TIFFs and more? The File Fabric now supports 50 more types of files for previews and thumbnails.

Permanent links for folders, for authorizes users, can now be generated from within the Cloud File Manager.

Other New Features

  • [SME-4361] - Folders can now be tagged from within the Web File Manager
  • [SME-4368] - The MD5 of a file being uploaded through the File Fabric is now recorded.
  • [SME-4456] - Notifications on activity within Team Folders can now be sent to participating members.
  • [SME-4476] - The OpenStack Provider now supports SLOs
  • [SME-4679] - The Amazon S3 provider now supports the Hong Kong region
  • [SME-4491] - NTFS Permissions can now be imported and applied to Team Folders within the File Fabric
  • [SME-4505] - Audit logs can now be exported in a business-friendly format
  • [SME-4645] - SOCKS Proxy support is now available for certain providers
  • [SME-4465] - The SAML authentication system can now support the ForceAuthn flag and sign the requests to the Identity Provider
  • [SME-4731] - When configuring an S3 compatible endpoint as your Appliance Default Storage, you can now control the Basic Encoding and S3 Signature Versions used.
  • [SME-3358] - The getAddProviderMetaFields API endpoint now correctly identifies the password field.
  • [SME-3957] - The presentation of Favicons has been improved for customers using custom branding.
  • [SME-4321] - The error reporting on Restore from Trash operations is now improved.
  • [SME-4466] - The Shared Links, Audit Event Logs, Shared Team Folders have received optimizations on loading time.
  • [SME-4509] - The CloudDav Protocol Gateway has improved the handling of large folder moves/copies.
  • [SME-4510] - The handling of the files due to be backed-up/archived has been improved.
  • [SME-4702] - When using the Egntye credentials, the File Fabric now accommodates Egnyte's various WebDav endpoint styles.
  • [SME-4760] - Retries are now performed when Amazon S3 returns invalid responses.
  • [SME-4796] - Improved handling of different response codes from storage platforms when MPUs are aborted.
  • [SME-4154] - The handling of quoted strings within translation PO files has been improved
  • [SME-4327] - The API now supports downloading files by path
  • [SME-4462, SME-4463] - CloudFTP now has configurable Cipher support
  • [SME-4512] - Cloud Edit can now be enabled for specific file types
  • [SME-4537] - The browser-based media player has been upgraded
  • [SME-4602] - An API is now provided to perform a Cloud Refresh for a single file
  • [SME-4677] - Handling of Twilio phone numbers validation has been improved
  • [SME-3868] - Read-only states are now no longer applied on folders being moved or copied
  • [SME-4538] - Internal messages, as well as emails, will be sent when comments are made on a file
  • [SME-4545] - Browser auto-filling on the SMTP setting screen has been disabled
  • [SME-4547] - Folder sorting now no longer impacts left tree listing
  • [SME-4584] - The Tags dialog has been given a UI update
  • [SME-4598] - Org Policy IP restrictions can now be applied to the Org Admin's account too
  • [SME-4606] - The Select All functionality can now select both Files and Folders
  • [SME-4649] - Shared links will no longer have a dot at the end when the file has no extension
  • [SME-4665] - Appliance default storage now supports Swift V3
  • [SME-4668] - The EMC Atmos provider has been renamed

Resolved Defects

  • [SME-4528] - In certain conditions, some pre-specified UTF-8 symbols could not be included in DLP Watermarked documents
  • [SME-4605] - In certain conditions, the Provider logo would not display correctly when entering the connection details for the provider.
  • [SME-3358] - The getAddProviderMetaFields API endpoint did not mark the password field as password type for the IBM Connection provider.
  • [SME-4096] - In certain conditions, a system error may have been generated when a Move to Trash timed-out.
  • [SME-4460] - The API Documentation page will now carry the correct header logo.
  • [SME-4469] - In certain conditions, a newly created package could not be assigned to an organization.
  • [SME-4471] - The Web File Manager no longer accepts submission of Personal Encryption phrases on uploads to Team Shared Folders where Team Encryption is enabled.
  • [SME-4474] - RSS Widgets can be added again
  • [SME-4475] - Some users received errors when using the WYSIWYG editor (which did not impact the actual editing). This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4477] - Search was not filtering files in Trash. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4481] - Appliance level branding on the 2FA screen will now include the correct logo.
  • [SME-4483] - Org Policies > Failed Login Attempts Lockout could be set to a negative value. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4501] - In certain conditions, the status for a Move task could have incorrect file counts.
  • [SME-4504] - A system error is generated when loading a list of containers fails. This has been corrected.
  • [SME-4518] - Parsing of certain specific characters in responses from Amazon S3 could fail. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4522] - In certain conditions, setting a Folder Refresh Schedule could result in an error displayed to the user.
  • [SME-4529] - Listing folders in Transmit with the CloudS3 Protocol Gateway would not work. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4534] - In certain conditions, users would receive an error when editing a file using Cloud Edit
  • [SME-4566] - A system error could be generated if a user attempted a sign-in and the LDAP server was unavailable.
  • [SME-4589] - Restoring a bucket from Trash could result in duplicate buckets being shown.
  • [SME-4593] - Refreshing a user's Active Sessions and Devices would case the page to be reloaded.
  • [SME-4621] - An SMTP server password was not able to be saved if it contained a $ character.
  • [SME-4625] - In certain conditions, a move operation would not move all file versions between Providers
  • [SME-4631] - In certain conditions, a Move to Trash could fail if the extensions of the files exceeded 6 characters.
  • [SME-4650] - An error may have occurred when using the Clipboard functionality in the Windows tools
  • [SME-4664] - Importing users from a XLSX file could fail if the document was malformed.
  • [SME-4694] - In certain conditions, editing of a file residing on CIFS through MS Office Online could result in a conflict file being created.
  • [SME-4695] - In certain conditions, a preview for a MS Office document using the MS Office Online viewer would show a message indicating the document was already open. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4696] - In certain conditions, a UI error would be shown when trying to set the subfolder permissions immediately after setting the main Team Folder permissions.
  • [SME-4697] - Exporting Personal Information as XLSX would result in an error if the user had lots of data to export. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4708] - Custom DropBox API keys could not be used. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4727] - In certain conditions, a user with the Admin role using Cloud Edit would cause a file to be saved in the root of the file system.
  • [SME-4728] - Read only files with available viewers gave the impression they could be edited by supporting double-click behaviour
  • [SME-4747] - In certain conditions the API reported the Content-Length for Thumbnails incorrectly.
  • [SME-4764] - A system error can be generated when getFilesList API method is called with too many arguments. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4765] - SAML auto user import ignored the 'auto create groups' option when it was off. This has been resolved
  • [SME-4772] - In certain conditions, an SFTP server was detected as an FTP server with the FTP Provider
  • [SME-4514] - Users could get a JavaScript error when updating the Regular Expressions of a Content Detection filter.
  • [SME-4521] - In certain circumstances, the Content Indexing Queue link would be displayed to Org Admins incorrectly.
  • [SME-4525] - In certain circumstances, the ApplAdmin option to “Enable internal URL shortener” could not be enabled fully. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4345] - Yum update now works properly and uses an SME curated repo.

Known Issues

  • [SME-3615] - The Web File Manager does not correctly handle the case where the Default Bucket is not found during a Cloud Refresh.
  • [SME-3268] - In some cases image previews of files restored from trash are not displayed until a browser refresh has been performed.
  • [SME-4344] - The configserver feature for updating the File Fabric (checking for, downloading and installing a new version) is deprecated and can not be used.
  • [SME-4833] - An erroneous message may be shown when sharing a file and the recipients “contact” file has been removed from the default storage.
  • [SME-4923] - There are several issues with v2 and v4 signature compatibility in certain S3 compatible storage providers.

Service Pack 1906.01

  • [SME-4878] - For larger data sets, a new flag is provided that can deliver faster search response delivery.
  • [SME-4872] - In certain conditions, a Provider Sync (initial or resync) may stop if a folder could not be accessed. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4859] - The Resync performance for folders containing a large quantity of files has been improved.
  • [SME-4852] - In certain conditions, the Package option called “Folder Quotas” would not appear. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4845] - In certain conditions, the Huddle provider could not be resynced.
  • [SME-4841] - Authenticated users may have seen the default header color when they failed authentication for a password protected drop-folder. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4840] - The user activation screen has been improved.
  • [SME-4838] - The parsing of responses from Amazon S3 has been improved.
  • [SME-4832] - In certain conditions, the Download from Web functionality could cause a system error to be generated when all download attempts failed. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4873] - In certain conditions, the Provider Sync report would incorrectly show no files indexed, where no sub folders existed. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4877] - The reporting of in-progress Syncs has been improved.
  • [SME-4884] - In certain conditions, the subfolders for a directory with real-time enabled would not be shown on first loading. This has been resolved.

Service Pack 1906.02

  • [SME-4846] - The Download Archive button was incorrectly greyed out on Drop Folders. This has been corrected.
  • [SME-4834] - In certain conditions, the M-Stream upload via Web FM would use more upload streams than agreed. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4848] - Provider types hidden by the Org Admin could remain visible to Org Members. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4887] - For larger data-sets, prefetching of sub folders is now preventable by a configuration option.
  • [SME-4888] - Performance improvements have been made to the loading of the Audit logs.
  • [SME-4889] - Performance improvements have been made to the loading of the Shared Links Screen.
  • [SME-4892] - Folders containing trailing spaces can now be supported via a configuration option.
  • [SME-4895] - The upper task limit is now configurable, and task cancellations are now processed regardless of the number of current running tasks. (e.g. threadslimit = 100 in /var/www/smestorage/cron/config.conf).
  • [SME-4854] - Redundant folders have been removed from the File Manager (“Encrypted Files”, “Public Files” and “Locked Files”).
  • [SME-4848] - Providers that had been disabled and so shouldn't have been visible when adding a provider were visible to the org. admin. This has been corrected.
  • [SME-4903] - If a re-sync of a provider was canceled and then reattempted after another provider had been sync'd in the interim, the status of the first provider's sync job was incorrect. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4894] - If a sync of a provider had been initiated and then canceled, the provider could not then be sync'd again. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4907] - Navigating to the root folder using the breadcrumbs in the File Manager caused an error which prevented the contents of the directory from being displayed. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4932] - When a provider containing files encrypted by org. encryption was re-sync'd, the size of the file was incorrectly recorded in the file's metadata. This has been resolved.
  • [SME-4869] - Private providers were not being created for new users when automatic configuration of CIFS providers was enabled. This has been corrected.

Service Pack 1906.03

  • [SME-4919] - Database search no longer treats “. %, _ and other symbols as wildcards.
  • [SME-4916] - Restarting an initial sync could result in incorrect final counts of files and folders. This has been fixed.
  • [SME-4915] - Audit logs export did not use the filtered result selected
  • [SME-4914] - Broken link when prompting user to re-enter credentials ​
  • [SME-4912] - Possible chance of DB Error when Syncing folder with large quantity of files. ​
  • [SME-4910] - Removed double pass indexing of Folder with Solr on Sync + other sync optimizations
  • [SME-4904] - Database error caused by resync not marking the last time it took an action when rate limiting
  • [SME-4734] - Lock icon within File Manager doesn'​t clear when a file is unlocked through a different application or browser
  • [SME-4912] - Syncing large folder may fail (mysql batch insert query). This has been fixed.
  • [SME-4916] - Restart of initial sync may count folders twice leading to incorrect total folder count.
  • [SME-4923] - Fixed OpenS3 signature issues for MPU uploads and non-standard ports.
  • [SME-4931] - Disabling some user file counts on admin screens (to improve performance)
  • [SME-4929] - Files locked by Admin don't appear locked to the admin
  • [SME-4839] - Registration selection of package didn't work when only one package available
  • [SME-4932] - Resolves miscalculation of encrypted file sizes on resync