Edge Extend Agent Virtual Machine

This guide covers the network configuration of the Edge Extend Agent running as a virtual machine in your own private or public cloud environment. Once network configuration is complete see Edge Extend Server to continue setup.

For general documentation see Edge Extend.


You need to prepare/collect the following information before you can complete this configuration guide:

  • Machine image of the agent software in your preferred format.
  • Ability to launch a virtual machine with:
    • Open SSH port 22 for network configuration

Launch Virtual Machine

Download the Edge Extend Agent image and deploy it to a hypervisor that is on the same local network as your target file servers.


The agent should be configured with:

  • vCPUs - 2
  • Memory - 2 GB
  • Disk - 40 GB (SSD)

On AWS this corresponds to a c5.small


The following inbound firewall rules are required.

Type Protocol Port Range Source Description
SSH TCP 22 My IP SSH access for initial network configuration

Verify SSH Access

Check that the instance can be accessed using a standalone SSH client. The username is smbstream and the initial password is QuickChangeM3. For example:

ssh smbstream@

(If the command freezes check that your appliance allows SSH access (port 22) from your IP address.)

Check that you can become root with the initial password MakeM4Secure.


This will be required to complete the configuration.

SSL Certificates

The appliance includes an untrusted SSL certificate.

To create a trusted SSL/TLS certificate associated with your domain see TLS/SSL Certificates.

Next Steps

Once network configuration is complete return to Edge Extend Server to continue agent setup.