**This is an old revision of the document!**

CloudEdit Branding

When you give a customer a branded Tools package, that package will include a branded CloudEdit, which will be installed when the Tools are installed. If, however, a customer who does not have the Tools installed double clicks on a file of a type supported by CloudEdit from the Web File Manager, they will have the opportunity to download and install CloudEdit. The locations (Windows ad Mac) from which CloudEdit will be downloaded are set in your File Fabric’s configuration, and refer to SME-branded CloudEdits. If a customer downloads CloudEdit from one of these locations then they will have an SME-branded CloudEdit.

You can change this by:

  • Extracting copies of the branded CloudEdits from machines (one Windows and one Mac) where they are installed. The Windows default location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\SME\Cloud Tools. The Mac default location is: /Users/<user name>/Applications/.
  • Putting those copies of your branded CloudEdits someplace where they can be downloaded via a URL. A directory on your File Fabric would be a good choice.
  • Generating URLs for downloading the programs.
  • Replacing the CloudEdit URLs in the config.inc.php file on the File Fabric your customers are using with the new URLs you generated.

If you take these steps then a user who downloads CloudEdit will get your branded program.