Operating System Packages Updates

last updated on: January 26, 2022

This page is primarily intended for system administrators.

Access Anywhere's software distribution process covers both changes to Access Anywhere and changes to the operating system (OS) packages that are part of Access Anywhere's Linux virtual machine. OS packages are updated automatically with each Access Anywhere major version or minor version (service pack) upgrade.

OS packages are updated frequently by their authors and many Access Anywhere customers prefer to keep their Access Anywhere's OS packages current between Access Anywhere upgrades. This page describes how NAA allows on-premises Access Anywhere customers to keep the OS packages on their Access Anywheres up to date and how NAAkeeps the packages up to date on Access Anywheres we manage for our IaaS service customers.

The process described on this page covers business-as-usual updates. NAAmay provide out-of-cycle updates when updates addressing severe security vulnerabilities become available.

Monthly Cycle

SME's process for updating OS package works on a monthly cycle. Once each month we begin testing Access Anywhere with the latest available packages from their official sources. Our testing process lasts about a month. At the conclusion of the testing on or around the final Wednesday of each month, the packages are made available for Access Anywhere customers and the cycle begins again.

On-Premises Access Anywhere OS Package Updates

How Operating System Packages Are Delivered

Access Anywhere VMs are configured so that OS package updates are fetched from repos provided and maintained by Access Anywhere when the yum package manager is used according to instructions provided by SME.

Customers who circumvent this arrangement by installing OS package updates from other sources risk destabilizing their Access Anywheres. Should this occur, NAAmay decline to provide support or may provide support on a paid professional service basis.

How to Install OS Package Updates

To update Access Anywhere's OS packages, run this command as the root user:

yum --disablerepo="sme-enterprise" update