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Provider Sync and Cloud Refresh

Last updated Oct. 11, 2023

Access Anywhere indexes storage providers to provide a number of enhanced file services including fast browsing and search. The Access Anywhere has its own indexing engine to provide these services.

Applications may update/upload/delete objects through Access Anywhere or in a bi-modal fashion directly through storage APIs such as S3 and SMB. When objects or files are updated directly using storage APIs Access Anywhere metadata must also be updated.

See also: Provider Real-Time Behavior.

Synchronization Options

There are a number of ways that the metadata can be updated, on demand, scheduled and on provider change.

On Demand

There are several options for initiating a refresh both user-initiated and automatic:

More information on Cloud Refresh, Deep Cloud Refresh and Real-time refresh can be found here .


On Provider Event

Many providers are able to create events on object or file creation or deletion. These can be sent and processed by Access Anywhere. This is the approach Jibe uses.

Blocked Operations

The following operations are prevented when a provider is being sync'd (initial sync or re-sync):

Improving Synchronization Speed

When Access Anywhere initially connects to your storage platform, it performs a full provider synchronization. In this process, Access Anywhere builds a metadata model for your storage platform, recording information such as the files and folders that are there. At this stage, Access Anywhere does not download or read any of the files, instead, it simply records the metatdata of the files.

Out of the box, Access Anywhere's synchronization process will be confined to a single system process. The performance speed of the initial synchronization process is configurable which will help you reduce the time it takes for initial synchronization.

To change the number of threads to be used for initial sync and re-syncs as ApplAdmin change this value under “Site Functionality”:

The number set here will control the number of concurrent processes permitted to run for a single synchronization task running on your appliance.

You should take care when choosing an appropriate value, as high values could cause performance impacts to the overall platform.