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Nasuni Access Anywhere 2401 Release Notes

Document last updated: May 29, 2024

For new deployments see Getting Started: Nasuni Access Anywhere Server On-Premises.

For upgrades see Nasuni Access Anywhere 2401.0 Upgrade Guide

Access Anywhere Server 2401.0.1

New Features

Changing the SMB Share Path

The server names or IP addresses can now be changed for Nasuni and SMB providers allowing easier migration or failover. See Nasuni Provider: Changing the Share Path for more information.

Disable Personal Files

Administrators now have the ability to disable uploads of files and folders to the root folder. This is configured for each organization and will be the new default. See Personal Files & Folders for more information.

Option to Show Files in Mixed Security Folder

The Nasuni connector maps Nasuni storage folder and file permissions to Access Anywhere folder permissions. When at least one “file” is not visible on Nasuni storage for a given user the entire “folder” can be hidden by Access Anywhere or the folder can be listed including the file that becomes visible (but not accessible. For more information see Hiding Files in a Mixed Security Folder.


Centralized Logging

Containers now consistently log messages to the server log logits.txt on the node on which they are running.

Nasuni Branding Updates

Branding update for Access Anywhere services and user interfaces.

Resolved Issues