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Windows Desktop Apps Packager

Last updated on: Mar 21, 2024

The Windows Packager is a desktop application that allows organizations to create pre-configured Windows apps installers for their organizations. They can choose what components will be installed and how they will be configured. For documentation on Windows Tools see Windows Desktop.

See also:

Steps for running the Packager:

To generate Windows Tools from the packager there are following tabs available for setting up the configurations.


From this Tab you can set the following options


From this Tab you can select any or all of the following to enable for the new generated Windows Tools:

Local Policies

Here admin can set the local policies for the generated tools i.e., if you want to fix type of sync the tools should perform. Set default settings for the sync etc.,

Do not allow file attachments in Microsoft Outlook

Block Dropbox with a Windows Firewall outbound rule

Cloud Sync

Predefined Settings

Here you can setup the settings like number of drive mappings, Cache management etc.,

Cloud Drive

The packager allows the creation of additional mapped drive letters to specific paths.

Note that the drive letters are created even if users don't have access to these paths. When the user selects these letters from within Windows Explorer an error is raised which may provider a poor user experience.

Each mapped drive requires additional system resources. Too many drive letters can lead to the error “System Error. Code: 8. Not enough memory resources are available to process this command.“ We recommend creating not more than 4 mapped drives.

Mapping of cloud drive/s

Add new drive by clicking on the + button a new window will open where you can Specify the:

Edit added drive settings by highlighting the drive and clicking on button

Remove added drive by highlighting the drive an clicking - button

Cache folder (if left empty then system cache folder is used)

Delete cached files on shutdown

Folder refresh timeout

Proxy Settings

Auto Update:

The Windows auto-update enables the installed branded tools to check for newer version of the tools. The generated tools check for updates on startup, every 4 hours or the user can manually check for new updates from “About”

How auto-update works:

Once the NAA Cloud tools are installed

How to setup auto-update while generating the Windows Tools:

CloudEdit Branding:

Please refer to this page.

Signing Packaged Tools:

If you want to sign the packagedTools, please refer to this page.

See also Signing Access Anywhere Windows Tools.