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TroubleShooting Windows Apps

Please be aware of the following:

  • Registry Changes: On install the Apps make registry changes. If you are using software that blocks this or uninstall registry changes then the Apps may not work.

  • Anti-Virus: The Virtual Cloud Drive letter needs to be exempted from any Anti-Virus that you are running otherwise it may not run and/or performance will be poor.

  • App Blocking: Sometimes Apps such as Firewalls, Spyware blockers and other Apps that can automatically block certain programs from accessing the Internet or running a process can disrupt or prevent the running of the File Fabric Apps.

  • Drive Encryption Software: The SME Desktop Tools, especially the Cloud Drive, may not work correctly if disk encryption software is in use.

    The File Fabric Apps are predicated on being able to run without third party interference. Third party interference of such Registry changes, Anti-Virus, third party App blockers or disk encryption software are not File Fabric Application issues and therefore not supportable and need to be resolved directly by the end user.

  • Thumbnails: Thumbnails are disabled on the virtual drive view as otherwise windows needs to download the entire file create the thumbnail which negates the point of the file stubs on the drive.

  • Cache Control: The Drive resides in the taskbar and its cache can be controlled from the settings that can be accessed on right click.

  • Windows Updates: Windows Updates can, on rare occasions, break or affect the Cloud Drive. This is a know Windows 10 bug and if this occurs then the Apps may need to be re-installed.

  • Firewall: The Cloud Drive and Apps in general need outbound access to ports 80 and 443 to work. Also note that some installed firewalls sandbox applications and you should ensure that the Cloud Drive and other Apps are not sandboxed.

  • Working with Files: In general, you should be able to work with files as you would on a normal drive but please note that some applications may need certain “hooks” for us to work with them (with regards to edit and save) or may not be suitable to be shared for network drive access. Work has been done for many file types but if you come across a file type where edit and save is problematic you could email support@storagemadeeasy.com and let us know.

  • Working with large files: Remember that the drive is a remote view of data. If you work with a very large file the whole file has to be downloaded and then on save uploaded. The Cloud Sync tools are a much better way of working with such large files.

  • Uploading and copying files: It is not recommended to copy a large amount of files with the Cloud Drive. To upload a large amount of files it is recommended to use the dedicated Cloud Explorer or if the file sizes are large please consider the Cloud Migration Assistant. Dragging and Dropping files between the local file system and the cloud drive will work and will even try to resume on failure but the drive is not optimized for such large file transfers.

  • Working with Microsoft Office documents: The drive should work perfectly well with office documents but be aware that a network blip, general office crashes, and latency sensitivity of office, can cause documents to be lost so always consider setting up the office auto-recovery office option when working with the drive. An alternative is to use the Microsoft Office add-in provided, available as 'Cloud Actions' ribbon bar.