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Nasuni Access Anywhere 2301.2 Upgrade Guide

Latest update: Oct 9, 2023

The latest versions available are:

These instructions apply to upgrades from versions 1901 and above.

See also Nasuni Access Anywhere 2301.2 Release Notes

Upgrade Precautions

Service Window

Upgrades should be performed during service windows. User access to the Access Anywhere Server should be suspended during the service window.

Prepare for the upgrade

Start by backing up the appliance. This upgrade will be an upgrade of both software and the database. Please do not proceed without a good backup. The upgrade does not support a database rollback, so if something does not go to plan, a system restore will be required.

The server upgrade from 2106 itself should take under 10 minutes. Upgrades from older releases will take longer.

Upgrading from 2301.x

Server Upgrade

Log into the appliance via SSH as smeconfiguser e.g.


Switch to the root user

su -

Stop services

systemctl is-enabled crond && systemctl stop crond && echo 'Stopped Cron'
systemctl is-enabled httpd && systemctl stop httpd && echo 'Stopped HTTPD'

Apply updates

yum clean all
yum update sme-externalrepo
yum install sme-package-2301.2.2-10

and then reenable and restart services

systemctl is-enabled crond && systemctl start crond && echo 'Started Cron'
systemctl is-enabled httpd && systemctl start httpd && echo 'Started HTTPD'

Now please reboot the system.


Upgrading WebStream Server

There are no updates for the WebStream Server with the 2301 release.

Post Upgrade

License Activation

Once you have upgraded to 2301.x verify that your site is registered with Nasuni and that your license is being pulled down automatically. If you site is not registered you can download a Serial Number and Authentication code from your Nasuni Account. See Activating your License for more information.

Upgrading from 2106.x

Upgrade Precautions

set redishost "$1:6379" >/dev/null

to /usr/libexec/keepalived/ on both nodes.
* These instructions only apply to in-place upgrades.

Before You Upgrade

Ensure the following prerequisites are met before beginning an upgrade:

To check for free space on root run:

df / -h

In addition, you must ensure you have full administrator access to the systems. The following user accounts and passwords will be required:

We always recommend that customers first perform an upgrade on a test system. This gives you the opportunity to try out any new features and validate expected behaviour before and after the upgrade.

During the upgrade, ongoing uploads will be canceled and the site will be unavailable for a short duration, please schedule downtime accordingly.

Service Window

Upgrades should be performed during service windows. User access to the Access Anywhere Server should be suspended during the service window. Make the pre-upgrade backup discussed in the next section after user activity has been suspended.

Server Upgrade

Log into the appliance via SSH as smeconfiguser e.g.


Switch to the root user

su -

Then process the main upgrade as follows.

systemctl is-enabled crond && systemctl stop crond && echo 'Stopped Cron'
systemctl is-enabled httpd && systemctl stop httpd && echo 'Stopped HTTPD'
yum clean all
yum update sme-externalrepo
yum update php
yum install sme-package-2301.2.2-10
systemctl is-enabled crond && systemctl start crond && echo 'Started Cron'
systemctl is-enabled httpd && systemctl start httpd && echo 'Started HTTPD'

Now please reboot the system.


Upgrading WebStream

Release 2301.1 requires WebStream 1.1.

Follow the WebStream Server upgrade information at WebStream Release Notes.

Post Upgrade

License Activation

Once you have upgraded to 2301 verify that your site is registered with Nasuni and that your license is being pulled down automatically. If you site is not registered you can download a Serial Number and Authentication code from your Nasuni Account. See Activating your License for more information.

Reapply "Look and Feel" Settings

If you have customised the platforms Look & Feel settings, as appladmin navigate to the “Colors, Fonts and CSS Customization” tab on appladmin’s “Look & Feel Settings” page and click the “Update options” button to reapply your customisations.

Microsoft Teams Changes

If you were upgrading from 2106.03 or earlier, you may require the updated Microsoft Teams App. If you have deployed a Teams App for an earlier release you will need to upgrade the app to take advantage of the new features.


New languages are not enabled by default. They can be enabled from the Appliance Administration interface under Settings > Languages.

See also Languages, Translation and Localization.


A substantial number of localization changes have been made. Customers may wish to refresh their existing localization packs against the available template files.

Upgrading from 2006.x

Follow the instructions above for upgrading from 2106.x but for the main upgrade use these steps instead. You can ignore warnings.

systemctl is-enabled crond && systemctl stop crond && echo 'Stopped Cron'
systemctl is-enabled httpd && systemctl stop httpd && echo 'Stopped HTTPD'
yum clean all
yum update sme-externalrepo
yum makecache
yum update php
yum install sme-ff-mariadb sme-ff-upgrade-tool
yum remove mariadb-server
yum install MariaDB-server MariaDB-client MariaDB-common MariaDB-shared
systemctl enable mariadb
systemctl restart mariadb
yum install sme-package-2301.2.2-10
systemctl is-enabled crond && systemctl start crond && echo 'Started Cron'
systemctl is-enabled httpd && systemctl start httpd && echo 'Started HTTPD'

Upgrading from 1901.x and 1906.x

Follow the instructions above for upgrading from 2106.x but for the main upgrade use these steps instead. You can ignore warnings.

systemctl is-enabled crond && systemctl stop crond && echo 'Stopped Cron'
systemctl is-enabled httpd && systemctl stop httpd && echo 'Stopped HTTPD'
yum clean all
yum update sme-externalrepo
yum makecache
yum update php
yum install -y sme-ff-php-config
yum remove clamav-server
yum install sme-ff-mariadb sme-ff-upgrade-tool
yum remove mariadb-server
yum install MariaDB-server MariaDB-client MariaDB-common MariaDB-shared
systemctl enable mariadb
systemctl restart mariadb
yum install sme-package-2301.2.2-10
systemctl is-enabled crond && systemctl start crond && echo 'Started Cron'
systemctl is-enabled httpd && systemctl start httpd && echo 'Started HTTPD'
